Takashi Murakami

Born in 1962 in Tokyo. He lives in Tokyo, New York, and Los Angeles.

"Polyrhythm" (1991) consists of an unpainted sheet of FRP and a number of toy American soldiers painted white. FRP was used as a material in various kinds of displays all over Japan during the "bubble economy" of the 1980s; the soldiers were typical of the kind of product made by the Japanese company Tamiya, one of the world's leading manufacturers of plastic model kits.
In "And then and then and then and then" (1997), DOB - a character dreamed up by Murakami, who is well aware of the function of such characters, with the intention of creating an icon - is depicted using colours and textures reminiscent of Rimpa-school Japanese painting. This combination of the sense of design of the Rimpa school and the expressive style of anime can also be seen in "Zuzazazazaza"(1994).
Murakami accepted an invitation from Louis Vuitton in 2003 to develop a new monogram for the luxury brand. In the folding screen in this exhibition, the brand's classic Damier pattern and the silver leaf design used in Japanese art down through the ages have been rendered one in the same.