Lieko Shiga

Born in 1980 in Aichi Prefecture. She lives in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture.

Lieko Shiga explores human relationships and common fears, dreams and fantasies. For the "Canary" (2007) series, Shiga asked people in Sendai, Australia and Singapore to direct her to the darkest and lightest places in the city, in a literal or metaphorical sense, and then photographed those places. In this way the search for a location became an important part of the work, enabling her to transcend genres and expanding the narrow confines of photography. Shiga is interested in the boundary between reality and fantasy, which she tries to erase with the help of particular techniques. When she develops and prints her photographs she subjects them to physical damage, e.g. by making incisions in them, then shines a light through them and takes a photograph of the photograph, in this way introducing an element of unreality.