

Be’eriMicha BrikmanAt dawn on Shabbat, 7th October 2023 – the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah – reality outside the Gaza Strip and in all Israel changed dramatically. Terrorists of the murderous Hamas organization breached the border fence and began a conquest of the Israeli

Thursday, 30.11.23, 16:00
Saturday, 16.03.24
More info: 04-6030800


Wadi - is a hydrologic geological formation, and a term in Arabic, Hebrew, and English describing different forms of seasonal flow, associated with areas with little precipitation.
In Haifa, however, a wadi is also a mental state; the city's wadis are used for momentary respites from the routine, for various games, and for alternative community gatherings. At the same time, they also embed darkness, all sorts of waste, and complex ecosystems of flora and fauna, which exist in a world parallel to everyday life.
The exhibition addresses different manifestations of this alternate universe.

Thursday, 03.08.23, 19:00
Saturday, 30.12.23
More info: 04-60-30-800

Choreography of Resistance

The exhibition juxtaposes three works by international artists delving into the universal characteristics of the gestures of the protesting body, with four series of photographs from four significant protests in local history.

Thursday, 03.08.23, 19:00
Saturday, 30.12.23
More info: 04-60-30-800

Jaro Varga: Travel Tales in the Land

Artist Jaro Varga came from Prague to Haifa three times during the last year, visits which he spent tracing the footsteps of famous Germans and German culture in the city. A past visitor who attracted him in particular was author Karl May, who came to Haifa in 1899.

Thursday, 03.08.23, 19:00
Saturday, 30.12.23
More info: 04-60-30-800

The Wadi Railway - ​​The BFAMI Family Gallery

Imagine a train ride across a pristine landscape. There is no building, no factory, not even a road in sight. Nothing. Just hills and sand. Through the train window it seems like a place untouched by human hands, but this is obviously an illusion. If we were to stand in the landscape and look towards the train, we would see that the landscape is scarred with iron tracks. Our environment is nearly always shaped by people, who add their own touch to nature, and there is almost no place that is truly natural. But what if humans and nature could live together in better harmony?
You are welcome to design the mountain yourself: plant trees on its slopes and peek into the secrets it reveals through the windows hanging above. Join the ride through the designed landscape to observe it from the inside out and from the outside in.

Thursday, 03.08.23, 19:00
Saturday, 30.12.23
More info: 04-60-30-800

Earth, water, wind, fire…and emptiness

Earth, water, wind, fire... and space are the elements that make up the entire universe. They are part of an ancient doctrine that used them as a means of solving problems, and from that time they have been an inseparable part of a variety of disciplines – philosophy, art, medicine, astrology and even politics. The connection between the elements emphasizes the basic concept that they nurture each other and that every element in our world is mutually dependent on another and does not exist separately. This exhibition seeks to illuminate all five elements in the light of art and to present the interrelationships between them through the works shown.

Thursday, 25.05.23, 10:00
Saturday, 18.11.23
More info: 04-6030800

Astronomy Photographer of the Year

New exhibition

Astronomy Photographer of the Year is the world’s leading astrophotography competition. Every year astronomers and photographers from around the world enter their best images of all things celestial.
This exhibition showcases the 32 prize-winners from 2022 alongside a selection of images that made last year’s shortlist. Captured using a range of equipment, from sophisticated cameras and telescopes to tablets and mobile phones, these photos reflect the skill, passion, creativity and enthusiasm of the global astrophotography community.

Thursday, 30.03.23, 19:00
Saturday, 02.09.23
More info: 04-6030800

Space for Community Art: Or Peter: Persona, Between Screen and Mask

The exhibition presents some of the personas assumed by Peter. They are offered for viewers to choose, as masks that will either hide them or set them free. We do not have to choose one mask only. We may change masks and metamorphose whenever we want, whether through a physical or a virtual mask.

Friday, 24.03.23, 11:00
Wednesday, 18.10.23
More info: 04-6030800

Space for Community Art: Maja Gratzfeld: Manual Labor

Maja Gratzfeld came from Germany to Israel as part of a student exchange program with the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design. In Jerusalem she met her partner, and together they decided to start a family in Haifa. During the COVID-19 period, Gratzfeld found herself with a newborn baby, in a new country, struggling to get by in a foreign language. With movement restricted to a 500-meter radius of her home under the lockdown regulations, in a nearby park she met a few elderly women, nannies aged fifty to seventy who make their livings taking care of other people's children, and they became her community. It was no coincidence that Gratzfeld met them in a public park in Haifa's Carmel area, whose population is typically of a high socio-economic ranking that can afford such service.

Curator: Yifat Ashkenazi

Friday, 24.03.23, 11:00
Saturday, 28.10.23
More info: 04-6030800

Vital Signs: Pulse and Breathing Rhythm in Contemporary Art

New exhibition

Oded Hirsch's works are based on detailed scripts for absurd situations. He invents challenges and problems that need to be solved, providing a complete scenario for their solution. The solution is usually just as far-fetched as the challenge, and the works leave the viewer wondering about the very necessity of these actions: Why is it necessary to pull out a tractor buried in the ground, lift it upwards, and introduce it into the museum?
The pulse and breathing rates are among the vital signs by which physicians determine whether a person is healthy, sick, or dead. The vital signs are directly affected by one's emotional state: they change in moments of calm or excitement, fear or infatuation. The exhibition features some of the real products of these vital signs in works of art from the past twenty years. Lines, lights, and sounds are generated as the work of art is adapted to the heartbeats and the cycle of inhalation-exhalation, which determine the structure of the work. This rhythm—whether calm and regular, fast and fidgety, or completely still—may guide one into the depths of consciousness. Alternatively, it can make us conscious of those who are bleeding or those who have been deprived of air to breathe.

Thursday, 09.02.23, 19:00
Saturday, 24.06.23
More info: 04-60-30-800